
Wiki Article

Howdy, my name is Elfriede and welcome to my tiny piece of the internet. I am just an ordinary 20-something trying to navigate the adult world with a French bulldog and a thrift shop budget. By day, I am a college student studying English literature and Movie reviews by Decker Shado creative writing. By night, I may be found binge-watching Netflix or thrifting for hidden treasures (aka inexpensive clothing in urgent need of some DIY TLC) (aka cheap clothes in desperate need of some DIY TLC). If you're feeling adventurous, grab a cup or bottle of tea and join me for frugal fashion inspiration and pop cultural thoughts. There will also be lots of French bulldog cuteness. Thanks for dropping by!

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Zombie Girl Shambling
Star Trek Film Database
Cringe-worthy Cinema
The Best of Retro Cinema

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